Can I feed My Dog Food from the Table?
Yes and no. Don’t stop reading there and think oh wow, I can feed my dog from the table. Yes, was not the answer. Never feed a dog directly from your table or at your table. And, let me make this very clear; there are certain foods, herbs & spices you should never feed your dog, ever! I will write another blog on this at a later date. Only after you are done eating yourself should you feed your dog anything! If you associate hand feeding from the table to your dog, it will become expected and then you will have to work to break that habit. The dog will not understand why it was okay before but now no longer allowed. The other issue with this is when you have guests, unless you lock your them away, the dogs will beg your guests for food. Even as a dog trainer, this is annoying when I am a guest somewhere. Now back to the spices: I cook my own food, so I know what spices, herbs and ingredients I am using, so there are occasions, where I will allow my dog very few leftovers BUT I do it in their normal feeding area, not near the table and AFTER everyone is done eating. There are foods I do allow my dogs to eat such as turkey, cheese, bacon & chicken. Now, on another note, I do raw feeding for my new dog, Hoka, but that is a whole other ballgame. I’ll write a blog on that as well because it is time consuming and can be very expensive. She is the first and only dog I have done raw feeding with and in the blog, I will explain why.