Getting a New Dog for Christmas!
A lot of folks look to Christmas as a time of renewal with the thought of getting rid of the old and putting on the new. Unfortunately for dogs, that often means them too. Owner’s tire of a dog or a dog’s behavior & decide it’s time to bring a puppy to the mix thereby rehoming the old dog or surrendering the poor dear to a shelter. There are lots of issues with this topic to discuss but the one we will home in on is bringing a new dog home for Christmas. 1) Do your homework. Ensure that the dog you get is right for your family mix along with your schedule. If you decide on a new puppy that still needs a lot of work, invest in a dog trainer from the beginning. I am not just saying that because I am one but the issues that stem from not understanding a dog’s behaviors is what leads to issues with owners to begin with. The trainer to tweak the training to meet your needs & the needs of your dog. 2) Do not go to puppy mills! These dogs are often malnourished, wormy and often have medical issues that will cost YOU in the long run. 3) Visit your local animal shelter or rescues within your area. These organizations can help you find the right dog for your home. 4) Even if you are not adopting a dog this Christmas, then please, please, please donate to your local animal shelter. They are filled and cannot keep up. Ask your local shelter what supplies they are in need of and donate what you can. Believe me, anything helps!