My Sweet Little Puppy Has Turned into A Nightmare!
Honestly, that seems to be the case with a lot of people who get new pups or a new dog in general. At first, especially puppies tend to be cute and cuddly at first, but after a few months, the pup begins to relax in the home becoming more familiar with the surroundings, people and what’s acceptable. Once this happens, the dog has become adjusted to what’s okay and not okay to do. The mistakes many people make is giving the dog tons of pets, cuddles, love and affection believing that if they don’t show the dog that kind of attention that the dog will think that “they [the humans] don’t love them! That is the biggest pile of crock! Seriously! I do not mean to sound unkind, but dog’s do not have the same mentality or feelings that we humans have. It is acceptable from the moment you bring your new dog home to show them exactly who is the boss. It is okay to make your pup sleep in their own kennel, or to not leave food, treats or bones for them to graze upon throughout the day. Do some homework about rules for new puppies or dogs in the home before you bring them in. I promise, you will be so happy that you did. Now, here’s the kicker: the rules you put into place must be followed for the REST OF YOUR DOG’S LIFE, and for the life of any new dog you get in the future! Like a child, you cannot relax the rules, ever! Once you do, your dog will revert and begin having unwanted behaviors. These days, it is much too easy to just hire a dog trainer to come to your home or do Zoom sessions, purchase videos of a reputable dog trainer, and educate yourself. About 90% of dog training is about educating the owners about what to do! This information is not just for pups in the home, but any dog you bring in. And huge tip here: if you get a dog from the pound or shelter, rules & education are much more important than anything else to have a successful adoption!