Why Does My Puppy Cry at Night?

This is a question many owners ask once they have brought home their furry bundle of joy, until the night falls. That is when the pup begins to yelp and cry. Of course, it is caused by several things. One of which is the age of the puppy. If it is still a baby recently weaned from its mom, then it is definitely crying out for that comfort that a mother offers. Secondly, it may be that you have a new puppy in the home have held it and given it lots of attention. In that case, that also has an impact on the pup. Often times when bringing a new pup into the home, do avoid holding it a lot. Holding a puppy a lot encourages attention seeking from the pup by crying out because what does the new owner want? Of course, you do not want the pup to cry. To us as humans that is a sign of distress. Puppies, just like babies, learn very quickly that crying is an attention seeking strategy that works! Every Time! So, ensure the pup has everything needed for comfort inside a crate. A blanket along with a toy and a potty pad and water (for larger crates). At first you may want to put the crate inside the bedroom and then as the puppy grows and cries less, move the crate a few feet without the pup noticing until it is completely out of the room. Ensure before putting your new pup to bed that they have been fed and had a potty break before the lights are out. When your pup cries the first few nights, ignoring the pup is your best option. If you give in to the barking or crying, you are only encouraging the pup to cry more when you walk away. At that point, you will have to start over with the ignoring. I know this sounds like a harsh tactic, but trust me, in the end you will thank me for this information. Once a dog learns this tactic for attention seeking, they will continue well into adulthood which leads to more behaviors in the long run.

Cheri Strickland

Teaching dogs has been a passion my entire life. When I learned how to train dogs in a gentler way, the way the dog learned was phenomenal. This way of teaching is definitely a game-changer!


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