How Do I Introduce the New Dog to My older Dog?
This question is one that is often misunderstood. Often those getting a new dog introduces the dogs wrong which leads to unwanted behaviors from the older dog. It is imperative to not just waltz into the home with the new dog. Dogs are related to wolves, so they are incredibly territorial. If you bring in a new dog, regardless of it being a pup, the older dog will view the new dog as a threat because it is not a member of THE Pack. The Pack is comprised of the current dog, any other current animals and all of the humans. Therefore, you must start outside the home first.
1)Placing a harness & leash on both dogs is vitally important. Start with each dog on the outside of the right side of each person about 10 feet apart and walk from one direction to the other passing each other in the middle. Do not allow the dogs to interact at all. Picture if you’re passing someone on the sidewalk & you move to the edge of the walkway to allow space. This is the same concept. Once you are at the end of the walkway, if you will, turn around and start back in the opposite direction keeping the two dogs on the outside away from each other. 2)Do this about 10 or more times until the dogs seem to be comfortable passing the other without any reactions. 3)Start over with the walk but move closer to the center of the walkway and continue the walk as described. This way the dogs are getting adjusted to seeing the other dog and non-reactive. 4) Once you are pretty kosher with the walk, switch the dogs to the center & continue walking far apart moving closer together as described in the first part of the walk. 5)When there are no reactions from either dog, step back & allow the dogs to meet on their own terms. DO NOT INTERFERE and DO NOT REACT unless the dogs react negatively. This step is vitally important to the success of your new dog being accepted into the Pack rather than an invader of the Pack. That produces negative behaviors from your current dog. 6) Once you are successful with this exercise, move the two into the home & allow them to adjust to each other without interference.