Why is Dog Socialization Important?

Socializing your dog is important for many reasons. An unsocialized dog will be aggressive towards other dogs when they come in contact & with strange people. Also, well socialized dogs play better with humans and many other animals, not just dogs. They are calmer because they learn respect and social order as they would in the wild. It all goes back to their roots and their DNA. Socialization teaches dogs not just to play well but to learn skills that cannot be taught by humans. They learn the pecking order, acceptable & unacceptable behaviors, play, hunting, feeding and so much more. Start your dog early if they are a pup. Doggy daycare is an option just a day or two a week to help them learn early. It’s just like a child, when children are not part of a daycare setting, they are incapable of learning those acceptable socialization skills even if the adult gives correction. When a child that has never socialized with another child is in their presence, the first child attempts to take the other’s toy away, which is unacceptable behavior. This is why it is so important for your dog to learn proper socialization skills early. If you are unable to take your dog to daycare, taking your dog to a dog park or to a State Park where your dog can learn how to properly interact with other dogs.

Cheri Strickland

Teaching dogs has been a passion my entire life. When I learned how to train dogs in a gentler way, the way the dog learned was phenomenal. This way of teaching is definitely a game-changer!


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